Our Products

Castor Seed

As a company that deals in the physical trading of agricultural commodities, including Castor seed, KBSPL likely sources the seeds from farmers or other producers and sells them to buyers in various markets. The company may also provide other services related to the supply chain, such as logistics, quality control, and financing.

When trading Castor seed, KBSPL would need to ensure that the seeds are properly processed to remove the toxic ricin before they are sold. This may involve working with specialized processors who are equipped to safely extract the oil from the seeds and remove the ricin.

Overall, Castor seed is an important agricultural commodity that is traded in many markets around the world. As a company that deals in physical trading of this and other agro products.


Jeera, or cumin, is a widely traded agricultural commodity that is commonly used as a spice in cooking. As a company that deals in the physical trading of agricultural commodities, including Jeera, KBSPL likely sources the spice from farmers or other producers and sells it to buyers in various markets.

Jeera is primarily grown in India, which is one of the largest producers and exporters of spice in the world. The quality of Jeera can vary depending on factors such as the region where it is grown, the climate conditions, and the harvesting and processing methods used.

When trading Jeera, KBSPL would need to carefully manage the quality of the product to ensure that it meets the standards of buyers in different markets. This may involve testing the Jeera for factors such as moisture content, purity, and aroma, and packaging it in a way that preserves its quality during transportation.


Chana, also known as chickpeas or garbanzo beans, is a widely traded agricultural commodity that is used in a variety of food products, including soups, stews, and hummus.

Chana is primarily grown in India, but it is also produced in other countries such as Australia, Canada, and Ethiopia. The quality of Chana can vary depending on factors such as the region where it is grown, the climate conditions, and the harvesting and processing methods used.

When trading Chana, KBSPL would need to carefully manage the quality of the product to ensure that it meets the standards of buyers in different markets. This may involve testing the Chana for factors such as moisture content, size, and purity, and packaging it in a way that preserves its quality during transportation.


Coriander, also known as cilantro or Chinese parsley, is a widely used spice that is traded as an agricultural commodity. As a company that deals in the physical trading of agricultural commodities, including Coriander, KBSPL likely sources the spice from farmers or other producers and sells it to buyers in various markets.

Coriander is primarily grown in India, but it is also produced in other countries such as Morocco, Russia, and Canada. The quality of Coriander can vary depending on factors such as the region where it is grown, the climate conditions, and the harvesting and processing methods used.

When trading Coriander, KBSPL would need to carefully manage the standards of buyers in different markets. This may involve testing the Coriander for factors such as purity, moisture content, and volatile oil content, and packaging it in a way that preserves its quality during transportation.

RM Seeds

R.M. Seed stands for Rapeseed-Mustard Seed, which is a type of oilseed crop that is widely cultivated in India and other parts of the world. Similar to chana trading, physical trading in R.M. Seed involves the physical buying and selling of the actual commodity, This typically involves procuring the crop from farmers or other producers, storing it in warehouses, and then selling it to customers such as oil mills or other food processors.


As a physical trader of turmeric, KBSPL is involved in procuring the commodity from farmers or other producers, storing it in warehouses, and then selling it to customers such as spice manufacturers or food processors. Domestic trading of turmeric involves buying and selling within India, while international trading may involve exporting the commodity to other countries where it is in demand. The turmeric market can be subject to fluctuations in supply and demand, as well as changes in weather conditions, and managing the inventory and logistics of the commodity can be complex and involve a certain degree of risk. However, for companies with expertise and experience in the field, physical trading of turmeric can be a profitable business.

Cotton Oil Cake

Cotton Oil Cake, also known as Kapas Khali, is a byproduct of cottonseed processing that is widely used as a source of animal feed. As a company that deals in the physical trading of agricultural commodities, KBSPL likely sources Cotton Oil Cake from manufacturers or processors and sells it to buyers in both domestic and international markets.

Cotton Oil Cake is primarily produced in countries such as India, China, and the United States, and its quality can vary depending on factors such as the processing method, the moisture content, and the presence of impurities. When trading Cotton Oil Cake, KBSPL would need to carefully manage the quality of the product to ensure that it meets the standards of buyers in different markets. This may involve testing the Cotton Oil Cake for factors such as protein content, fiber content, and moisture content, and packaging it in a way that preserves its quality during transportation.

Unroasted Coffee Beans

Coffee is primarily grown in countries such as Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, and Ethiopia, and its quality can vary depending on factors such as the region where it is grown, the altitude, the climate conditions, and the harvesting and processing methods used. When trading coffee beans, KBSPL would need to carefully manage the quality of the product to ensure that it meets the standards of buyers in different markets. This may involve testing the coffee beans for factors such as moisture content, acidity, flavor profile, and aroma, and packaging them in a way that preserves their quality during transportation.

Overall, coffee beans are an important agricultural commodity that is traded in many markets around the world, Our Company plays an important role in the agricultural supply chain by helping to ensure that farmers are able to sell their products and that buyers have access to a reliable supply of high-quality coffee beans for use in various applications such as roasting, grinding, and brewing.

Dry fruits

Dry fruits include a wide range of products such as almonds, cashews, raisins, pistachios, walnuts, and dates, among others. These products are typically produced in countries such as the United States, India, Iran, Turkey, and China, and their quality can vary depending on factors such as the variety, the harvesting and processing methods used, and the storage conditions. When trading dry fruits, KBSPL would need to carefully manage the quality of the product to ensure that it meets the standards of buyers in different markets. This may involve testing the dry fruits for factors such as moisture content, size, color, and taste, and packaging them in a way that preserves their quality during transportation.
